The export of agricultural commodities abroad, especially plant materials, requires the certification of Phytosanitary Certificate (SF) from the exporting country, which is free from pests / diseases and soil, for this purpose, Phytosanitary Certificate is a requirement for export.
The Malaysian Phytosanitation Certification Scheme (MPCA Scheme) was established by the Department of Agriculture to enable Farmers / Nurseries, Packaging Centers and Factories to process agricultural products that have been certified in the MPCA Scheme can obtain / apply for SF without the need for quarantine inspection & treatment supervision by inspecting officers quarantine at the exporting premises or at the SF manufacturer's office.
Premises that produce commodities for export certified in the MPCA Scheme are premises with systemic pest / disease control and under controlled pests / disease status where the owner himself will conduct inspections and document phytosanitary certification activities, which are usually carried out by the Quarantine Inspector .