The Department of Agriculture was established in 1905. The main task of the Department of Agriculture at that time was to implement the agricultural policies that had been outlined by the government. Under the guidance of the Department of Agriculture several Enactments have been passed to expedite the development and preservation of land rights. These include those related to (1) Abolition of contract labor, (2) Specializing land for bumiputras, (3) Restricting the entry of dangerous enemies, and (4) Granting less than 10 acres of land to true farmers for farming purposes .
In the Federal Agreement of Malaysia (1974), in line with the establishment of state governments, provisions have also been made to enable the establishment of the State Agriculture Department in each state. The Department of Agriculture in each state has been responsible for implementing expansion programs to develop the smallholder sector.
In the early stages, the Department of Agriculture's efforts focused only on crop research, providing technical experts to farm operators, and expansion services to smallholders. Although the Department of Agriculture is responsible for developing all potential economic crops, the Department also carries out an important activity which is to develop the rubber industry. However, aware of the increasing demand from the rubber industry, the government felt the need to place these rubber research activities under a separate roof. Thus the Malayan Rubber Research Institute (RRIM) was established in 1926.
After the country achieved independence in 1957, the Department of Agriculture grew rapidly and was strengthened. It is fully involved in research, providing development and marketing services as well as the development of farmers' organizations. However, with the establishment of the Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority - FAMA (1965), Agricultural Research and Development Institute - MARDI (1970), Farmers Organization Board - LPP (1973), the Department of Agriculture was restructured and focused on providing development services especially to farmers. farmers.